NeoXam Manager

NeoXam Manager, the investment factory

  • Holding Analysis (Real Time/Historical)
  • Cash Management / Corporate Action / Trade queries
  • Modeling / Benchmark replication​
  • Management by Strategy​
  • Valuations & Pricing
  • Order Generation & Routing / OMS Blotter
  • Order Generation (Block, Basket..) / Routing
  • Handling of OTC derivatives
  • Centralized Trading Desk / Market connectivity (Fix)
  • Pre and Post trade compliance checks
  • Resolution workflows
NeoXam Tracker: Simplify complex

Robust, Optimized,
Flexible, Growing

Multiple asset classes to manage all types of portfolios

Reliable engine to support a huge workload

Web Services & API to access to the data & functions

Plugins framework to extend business features

Digital applications to address dedicated user journey

Some of our NeoXam Manager customers

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