NeoXam Tracker

NeoXam Tracker: Simplify complex workflows while handling extensible Asset classes and business coverage.

Designed to Improve Your Daily Work

NeoXam Tracker: Simplify complex
  • For Front Office Users: A Decision-making Tool
    Customizable ; graphical dashboards, allowing portfolio slice and dice, with a bottom-up or top-down approach.
  • Order simulations; what-if scenarios.
  • Customizable; graphical workflows with clear statuses; routing actions.
  • Scheduled tasks with proactive notifications to handle exceptions
  • Look-through capability to tackle exposures and risks.
  • Complete and extensive static data model.
NeoXam Tracker: Simplify complex

Adapted to
Your Needs

From Operational Efficiency to TCO Optimization


Versatility & Scalability

Openness & transparency

Some of our NeoXam Tracker customers

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