NeoXam has won the 2020 Asia Risk Data Repository Award.
DataHub is acknowledged as a modern, white box solution, because of its flexible and open architecture in terms of data model and ease of getting any data in and high quality data out of it. The award is a recognition of the benefits that an increasing number of Asian banks get from their DataHub powered solutions. Our clients use such solution to support their group-wide market and risk data management efforts in line with regulations for Initial Margin calculation of non-centrally cleared derivatives, new market risk-related capital requirements under FRTB and automation of IPV compliance checks.
These banks utilize DataHub to set-up static data, backfill, proxy and validate the market data histories for any new instruments or risk factors, as well as to generate historical and stress scenarios, which are all fed into their respective trade-risk management systems. With the frequency of trading new assets only going up and the regulatory historical data requirements increasing, there is a need to automate these processes.
Furthermore, regulatory requirements around transparency and auditability, as well as the constantly adjusted and refined stress test regimes, demand a robust and flexible solution to be and remain compliant now and in the future. Last but not least, these banks use DataHub to store calibrated risk factors in order to create a single repository of all historical risk data, enabling them to purge this risk data from their treasury systems and with this, increase these systems’ performance compared to the traditional set-ups in which all this data was kept online.
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