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This platform provides investors with a unique access to multiple functionalities such as portfolio construction, optimisation and analysis tools.
Developed in partnership with seven FinTechs, Asset Studio is a significant milestone in Natixis IM’s digital innovation and client excellence strategy. This platform provides investors with a unique access to multiple functionalities such as portfolio construction, optimisation and analysis tools. Institutional investors, IFAs and private banks will now have access to a tailor-made, interactive and secure platform to facilitate their investment journey.
A technology aggregator platform.
Asset Studio comes as the result of a unique and collaborative initiative between the Natixis IM Solutions team, and seven FinTechs – Alpima, Auth0, Envestboard, Heavenize, Lexifi, Neoxam, Weefin. Each brought distinctive technologies which contributed to the development of the platform’s functionalities, both in terms of activity management and more advanced analyses (hedging strategies, asset liability management and structured products).
“Asset Studio’s functionalities range from the intuitive visualisation of key financial indicators to the analysis and digital reporting of ESG scores and portfolio climate indicators, as well as hedging, fund analysis and portfolio monitoring,”
Oumar Diawara, Head of Structuring & Technology, Natixis IM Solutions.
Equipped with a proprietary algorithm, the Asset Studio platform allows investors to do modular monitoring of “vanilla” & structured assets, and to better understand complex management and portfolios as a whole. The architecture is based on both a complete ecosystem of APIs allowing the connection between FinTechs, and a proprietary Natixis Cloud (AWS)in order to guarantee a high level of security and ensure a full control of the environments and data.
A unique and personalized customer experience
In an increasingly complex regulatory environment, Asset Studio brings a technological solution and makes customer satisfaction a priority. Accessible from the Natixis IM client portal, it allows users to interactively optimise their investment process.
“The launch of Asset Studio demonstrates our efforts to create value for our clients. It illustrates our ability to innovate within an entrepreneurial ecosystem such as the FinTech sector, to provide our clients with a simplified investment experience, tailored to their specific needs”
Joseph Pinto, Head of international distribution, Natixis Investment Managers.
The digital approach allows for fine-tuned personalisation:
each type of client has a dedicated interface and a database of over 100,000 funds, whether or not they are from Natixis IM, in order to take into account the completeness of the portfolios.
“The open architecture gives asset managers and private bankers full access to simulation and portfolio construction tools. Clients and Asset Studio’s internal teams interact in real time on the platform, making the approach dynamic and collaborative”
Aziz Diallo, Deputy Head of Structuring & Technology, Natixis IM Solutions.
The ESG dimension, at the heart of Asset Studio
ESG is a growing concern for investors and an essential component of the platform. Several specific functionalities have been developed, including:
- A scoring tool to evaluate E, S and G scores according to the issuers invested in the portfolio;
- Taking into account the internal policies of clients wishing to implement an allocation strategy in line with their own measures and processes;
- Simulation tools in terms of carbon trajectory to identify solutions with a lower climate impact;
- Finally, access to a very large database of extra-financial data aggregated by the FinTech WeeFin and which can be compared with each other for objectivity purposes.