NeoXam promotes Florent Fabre

From Asset Servicing Times:

NeoXam has appointed Florent Fabre as group managing director. The Paris-based financial software company provides data management and transaction software solutions and services.

Fabre has more than 20 years’ experience in the industry, serving as chief operating officer and executive committee member at NeoXam since 2015. Prior to joining the company, Fabre was general manager for France at both VERMEG and BSB.

Serge Delpla, CEO and founder of NeoXam, says: “Florent and I, with the constant support of the executive committee as well as the entire management team have, for seven years, shaped the group.

“Over the past two years, Florent has ensured the operational management of the group. Cathay Capital, Bpifrance, and all of NeoXam’s shareholders including myself, as CEO and founder, are simply recognising Florent’s exceptional involvement.”

Commenting on his promotion, Fabre says: “I look forward to continuing working closely with Delpla and the rest of the executive committee to further accelerate our global growth by leveraging our best-in-class solutions, our entrepreneurial mindset and our unmatchable team spirit.”

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